- Character Name: Zirhi (atm Bahamut server)
- Level 75 Job/Jobs:Main THF,PLD and NIN
- Support Jobs available: all the usefull ones for my 3 jobs
- Event for wich you're joining:all
- Sky Access:yes
- Dynamis Access:yes
- Sea/Limbus Access:yes
- Einherjar/Salvage Access:yes
- Endgame Experience:Playing this game for like 6 years now so i know the most stuff
- Something about you: I started playing again after a years break, my old shell is broken so iam looking for new one i will change server soon i did heard about your ls from schakal maybe you remember him its a old rl friend of mine. Iam familiar with pulling dyna and the most HNM stuff. Cya soon i hope.